Thanks for joining us at Mekong ICT Camp 2017


Appreciation letter,

The 5th Mekong ICT Camp 2017
“Cross-border Collaboration with DATA”

Dear Campers,

It was an honor to have you in attendance. We understand that you have many obligations, and we appreciate you taking time from your busy schedules to join us. On behalf of the organizing committee of Mekong ICT Camp 2017, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) wants to thank our co-organizers, participants, volunteers, facilitators and especially our donor, SPIDER – The Swedish Program for ICT in Developing Regions. We also thank the other sponsors for helping to make this year’s Mekong ICT Camp a success. The days ran smoothly, everyone stayed for an exciting week of learning and getting to know one another and return home with many new friends and ideas for collaborative projects across regional and sectoral boundaries. Overall the day was a success. Mekong ICT Camp is a huge event, and it wouldn’t be possible without the assistance of countless people who help prepare ahead of time, and work during the event itself. It was truly a memorable community event from the committee planning it to the people working it.

We heard many great things from the participants. During the days, many people came up to compliment us on how smoothly the event was running or how successful it seemed.

“It was great! Thanks to MKICT that allowed me to be part of this community. To be honest, I learnt a lot from the camp, and I am sure that I will use that knowledge to share to other as much as possible.”

Again, we hope that you found the event to be both interesting and informative, and we are sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused. Thank you for helping to make the 5th Mekong ICT Camp 2017 possible!


Open Development Cambodia Team

Group photo in Mekong ICT Camp 2017, at Sokha Siem Reap Resort & Convention Center, Siem Reap province, Cambodia. Photo taken on 04 September 2017. Taken by Mr. Wiwat Sathornsawat.

Group photo at Mekong ICT Camp 2017, at Sokha Siem Reap Resort & Convention Center, Siem Reap province, Cambodia. Photo taken on 04 September 2017 by Mr. Wiwat Sathornsawat.